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​​​​If artificial intelligence can perform your job, perhaps it is capable of replacing your company’s CEO as well.

​According to The New York Times, the same forces that are affecting employees are also impacting chief executives. While leadership is important, efficiency and cost-cutting are also crucial. With the rise of artificial intelligence (A.I.) programs, many jobs are at risk of becoming obsolete, including those of highly paid executives.

One group of workers that is particularly vulnerable to A.I. are those who analyze new markets and trends. These tasks can be done more efficiently by a computer. Additionally, A.I. is also being used to automate communication between colleagues, and machines are better at making dispassionate decisions. As a result, the cost savings of eliminating these jobs is significant.

The role of the chief executive is also at risk due to A.I. Some companies have already begun experimenting with the idea of an A.I. leader, although it may currently be more of a branding exercise. A.I. has been touted as the solution to all corporate problems for the past 18 months, with billions of dollars being invested in generative A.I. by Silicon Valley.

Even companies that are struggling and lack strong leadership are turning to A.I. in its current rudimentary form. This is because A.I. that mimics human reasoning can provide some guidance and direction. However, it is important to note that A.I. is not a perfect solution and should not be relied upon entirely. 

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