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How a U.S. Ally Uses Aid as a Cover in War

The United Arab Emirates is expanding a covert campaign to back a winner in Sudan’s civil war. Waving the banner of the Red Crescent, it is also smuggling weapons and deploying drones.According to reports from The New York Times, the United Arab Emirates is expanding its covert campaign in Sudan’s civil war by using the Red Crescent as a cover to smuggle weapons and deploy drones. The drones are being used to guide weapons convoys and support a ruthless paramilitary force accused of committing atrocities and ethnic cleansing. Despite presenting itself as a champion of peace and humanitarian aid, the UAE is actually playing a deadly double game in Sudan, funneling money, weapons, and now drones to fighters in an effort to cement its role as a regional kingmaker. Satellite images and American officials have confirmed the UAE’s involvement in this covert operation, which has been ongoing for at least a year. The UAE is using the airfield in Amdjarass, Chad as a base for its operations, with Emirati cargo planes regularly arriving at the site. This double game is causing further devastation in a country already torn apart by one of the world’s most catastrophic civil wars. 

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