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A.I. Is Helping to Launch New Businesses

Entrepreneurs say use of artificial intelligence for a variety of tasks is accelerating the path to hiring and, ideally, profitability.Entrepreneurs are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence to streamline various tasks and expedite the process of hiring and achieving profitability. This trend has been observed by Sean Ammirati, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who has been teaching entrepreneurship for over a decade. In his class, students are tasked with starting businesses from scratch, and this year, Ammirati noticed an unprecedented level of progress among his students.

Upon further investigation, he discovered that the use of generative artificial intelligence was the key factor behind this progress. Ammirati had encouraged his students to think of generative A.I. as their co-founder, and they utilized tools such as ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, and FlowiseAI to assist with tasks like marketing, coding, product development, and customer recruitment. This resulted in a significant increase in efficiency and productivity, leading to the attention of venture capitalists who flocked to Carnegie Mellon’s campus in Pittsburgh.

Ammirati compares this development to the impact of cloud and mobile technology in the mid-2000s, believing that generative A.I. has the potential to revolutionize innovation on a large scale. This trend is expected to continue as more entrepreneurs recognize the benefits of incorporating artificial intelligence into their business strategies. 

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