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Hollywood Movie Producers Find a Harder Time Making a Living

Corporate consolidation and technology have upended many jobs in recent decades. But few arcs are more surprising than that of the Hollywood producer.The changing landscape of the corporate world and advancements in technology have had a significant impact on the job market in recent years. One industry that has been particularly affected is Hollywood, and the role of the producer has undergone a surprising transformation.

Kevin Misher, a veteran producer with over three decades of experience, has been involved in some of the most beloved movies in Hollywood, such as “Rudy,” “Meet the Parents,” and “Public Enemies.” However, the current state of the industry has forced him to adapt to new challenges.

In the past, Misher Films, his production company, had a team of three development executives and three assistants, and a studio deal worth over $1 million. This allowed them to acquire scripts, hire writers, and meet payroll. But with the changing economics of the industry, the company has had to downsize significantly. Today, Misher Films has only one employee and a partner who receives a portion of his fees.

The traditional model of producer deals, where they would receive a steady paycheck while waiting for a payout, has become a thing of the past. Studios are now seeking greater efficiencies, and as a result, deals for producers have dried up. This has not only made life harder for accomplished producers like Misher, but it has also made it almost impossible for young people to enter the profession.

According to Misher, this trend has led to a narrowing perspective in the industry, with less innovation and diversity. He is part of a group of over 100 producers called Producers United, who are advocating for more favorable financial terms through discussions with Hollywood studios.

The changing landscape of the industry has not only affected the top-tier producers like Misher but has also hollowed out the middle tier and made it difficult for newcomers to break into the profession. As the industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for producers to adapt and find new ways to thrive in this ever-changing landscape. 

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