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Once a G.O.P. Rallying Cry, Debt and Deficits Fall From the Party’s Platform

Fiscal hawks are lamenting the transformation of the party that claimed to prize fiscal restraint and are warning of dire economic consequences.The New York Times reports that fiscal hawks are expressing concern over the transformation of the Republican Party, which used to prioritize fiscal restraint. They are warning of dire economic consequences as the party’s platform no longer includes any mention of debt or deficit reduction. This is a stark contrast to the party’s previous platforms, which called for strict spending caps and a balanced budget amendment. The omission of these issues in the current platform is seen as a reflection of the party’s shift towards the ideology of President Trump, who has been known to embrace debt. This change has left budget hawks, who have long warned about the nation’s unsustainable spending, shocked and disappointed. The U.S. national debt is projected to reach $56 trillion in the next decade, with interest payments alone rivaling the cost of Medicare. 

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